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Equiping Believers Multiplying Workers - 2 Timothy 2:2

Hmong Christian Institute (formerly known as CLA) of the Hmong District exists to provide alternative training and resources for individuals who hear the call to serve. We emphasize the practical skills needed to minister effectively to both the U.S and oversea. HCI seeks to contextualize the resources to meet the needs of each culture.


To extend to whoever, wherever and whenever, the opportunity to be trained for ministry. 


Multiplying workers and developing believers.

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The Six Branches of Training

1. Theological Education by Extension (TEE) is a local church leadership training using S.E.A.N’s Compendium of Pastoral Theology: THE LIFE OF CHRIST.The two-year program requires students to engage in the three-fold learning:active Bible study, in-class participation, and ministry practice.It is a weekly class meeting format.While the District provides the materials, the local church does the training via certified center leaders.

2. Ministerial Study Program (MSP) is the advanced level of leadership training. The modular format, college standardized, hybrid, courses are held in various centers throughout the U.S. and other countries. The eight-week study of each course includes the weekly online assignments and concludes with a two-day class meeting. The MSP graduates are eligible to candidate for official accreditation. The total of 60 credits are transferable to some of the Bible colleges. One of the requirements for MSP instructors is at least a Master in ministry.

3. Hmong Study Certificate (MSC) is a five-course series which will explore the four dimensions of Hmong life: history, culture, worldview, and religion.We are improving our academic level to meet the college standards.We are working with Crown College to integrate our Hmong Study Certificate.With that saying, students may take Hmong Study as a minor for their undergraduate program.The graduate students may choose the Master of Arts in Church Leadership with concentration in Hmong Study.HCI provides the approved professors while Crown College administers the process.The study format includes some online activities before attending the classes in the campus.The requirement for the professor is a doctoral degree.

4. Oversea Training is an avenue to extend the leadership training to church leaders in other countries. HCI seeks to partner with local churches or institutes to train the current and future church leaders.We will offer contextualized materials and/or qualified trainers, professors, to fulfill the needs of each group or events.

5. Online Study and Resources is a digital library.It is a collection of various church leadership resources ranging from pastoral leadership to discipleship, conflict resolution to church administration, prayer ministry to praise & worship services, etc.The archives will include audio, video and script. Depending on the topic, some articles or documents may include a self-test for the readers.Others may simply serve informational purposes.For example, the senior pastor of a local church may require the newly elected elders to read/listen to the “Biblical Role of the Elders” and take the self-test to partially fulfill the leadership orientation.

6. Continuing Education is a consultant branch offering encouragement and prayer support for current pastors and lay pastors to motivate them to continue studying. This can be done simply by suggesting relevant books, classes, or seminars to pastors. In some cases where a licensed pastor is required to fulfill a certain study before his license is renewed, HCI can provide further assistance.


Beside partnering with the churches and bible colleges in the U.S., HCI have also collaborated with churches and institutes in other countries to train the church leaders.  The countries HCI has been working with include Australia, Canada, China, France, French Gianna, Laos and Vietnam.

further development

  1. Continue to improve the structure to meet the future demands (i.e. online study)

  2. Expand the partnership program with more colleges

  3. Collaborate with Bible college(s) for Associate and bachelor’s degrees.

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            12287 Pennsylvania Street
             Thornton, CO 80241


             Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

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