Greetings to Alliance family, AWM Directors and leadership teams, Pastors and Pastors' wives, and sisters in Christ,
October is a month where we take the time to recognize our pastors and pastor wife’s for their continuous hard work shepherding God’s flock. On behalf of my team, Alliance Women Ministries of the Hmong District, we want to appreciate each and everyone of Hmong District’s pastors and pastors’ wives. I would like to take this time to honor all the pastors and their wives for their faithful service. We value you and your service to your congregation and thank you for your love and obedience to taking the call to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. We also want to thank you for your leadership and support to AWM/KHN. With your support AWM/KHN has been able to fulfill many ministries, be a resource to the local churches and for the local women’s ministry. Thank you for dedicating your whole life to serving God and to win lost people back to the Kingdom of Heaven. You pastors work tirelessly while sacrificing your time with your spouses and families. Thank You for feeding God’s flock with spiritual food and protecting and loving them daily.
I also commend every pastor’s wife for your commitment to serving God and His people faithfully alongside your husband. Thank you for serving your church sacrificially and for loving your nam tsevs, young ladies, and your local AWM leadership team. May God bless you for your faithfulness as you serve along your husband to support the congregation while caring for your family.
May God bless ALL our Hmong district pastors and pastor’s wives throughout the year and may God go before you and make your path straight. May He anoint you with Gis everlasting power so you can fulfill the ministries God has set before you.
I close with 2 Chronicles 15:7 "But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.” May you be strong and courageous, for God will reward you for your hard work!
God bless!
Nkx. Ntsum Thaiv Vaaj (Pang Vang)
AWM/KHN Director of the Hmong District