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Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Image by Brett Zeck

Prayer for Alliance Workers and Families around the world

Our international workers and alliance families around the world need our prayers for the love of Christ and His redemptive work to advance. Please see below for places where you can pray for.

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Prayer for Hmong District

The list here consists of urgent prayer needs from people who send us their urgent prayer needs. Please click below to view the list and pray for them.


Prayer for our Churches, Pastors, and Leaders

Whether the ministries of our churches, pastors, and leaders bear fruit or not depends on our prayer. Please see the list below for areas in which we can prayers for.

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HKM Live Prayer is specifically prepared for all believers to come together and pray to God. The Book of Matthew 18:19-20 say "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

So, please come and join us every First Thursday of each month at 7:00pm MST on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. We look forward to joining you.

HKM Live Prayer yog npaj tshwjxeeb rau cov ntseeg sawvdaws tuaj sib koom uake thov Vajtswv. Vajtswv Txojlus nyob ntawm Mathais 18:19-20 hais li no, "“Kuv qhia ntxiv rau nej hais tias, yog nej cov uas nyob hauv ntiajteb no muaj ob leeg ua ib lub siab thov yam twg, kuv Txiv tus uas nyob saum ntuj ceebtsheej yuav pub yam ntawd rau nkawd. Rau qhov yog muaj ob lossis peb leeg tuaj nyob ua ke qhov twg tuav kuv lub npe thov, kuv yuav nrog lawv nyob qhov ntawd.” 

Yog li no, peb thov caw nej sawvdaws txhua tus tuaj koom peb nyob rau txhua txhua lub hli ntawm thawj thawj lub Thursday thaum 7:00pm MST, lossis sijhawm Colorado. Peb yuav thov Vajtswv uake rau ntawm peb qhov Facebook Page thiab YouTube Channel. Peb cia siab tias yuav ntsib thiab tau koom nrog nej sawvdaws.

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