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Hmong District

Prayer Requests From Staff

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Dr. Tswv Txos Thoj, DS

  1. Asking God to lead me so I can lead the Hmong District for His glory (Thov Vajtswv coj kuv kom kuv coj tau HKM rau Vajtswv tau lub koobmeej).

  2. Asking God to anoint me with His Spirit, vision, wisdom, and strength (Thov Vajtswv muab Nws tus Ntsujplig, zeemmuag, dagzog, thiab tswvyim rau kuv).

  3. Asking God to help me, the DEXCOM, and staff as we work to advance Christ worldwide through Reach in, Reach out, Reach over, and Reach Up in the next four years (Thov Vajtswv rau kuv, cov tsavxwm, thiab cov tub ua haujlwm kom peb coj tau Tswv Yexus mus rau lub ntiajteb los ntawm ncav rau pawg ntseeg, lub zej zos, lwm tebchaws, thiab Vajtswv rau plaub xyoos tom ntej no).


Dr. Ntxoov Laaj Hawj, CM Director

  1. Pray for our English speaking church initiatives so that we can plant these churches in the strategic locations planned. 

  2. Pray for revival in the churches, especially in the hearts of our church members so that we can grow and be mobilized for kingdom impact.

  3. Pray for bold and yet loving proclamation of the gospel among our churches to reach out to our communities and seek the lost for Christ.


Kx. Swm Xeeb Yaaj, Mission Director

  1. Pray that God will raise up and Send a new generation of International Workers from the Hmong District.

  2. Pray that our Churches will continue to deepen our Engagements with Global Missions.

  3. Pray that we will unite around the Vision of Advancing Christ Worldwide.  

  4. Pray for more Bibles to be sponsored for distribution at Yexusfest and afterwards.

  5. Pray for our International Workers and their families.  May God keep them healthy, faithful, and strong for their callings.  

  6. Pray for Lost people where our international workers are serving.  That God will open the door for them to hear to gospel.

  7. Pray for the Biblical and Leadership trainings that our International Workers are doing around the world.

  8. Pray for deeper partnerships with our Christian Brothers around the world to Advance Christ together.


Kx. Vaam Choj Lis, HCI Director

  1. Pray for HCI goal to recruit 10 new MSP Students and 100 new TEE students

  2. Pray for MSP graduates to listen to God's call and pursue accreditation for licensed ministry placement

  3. Pray for Hmong translation of TEE Textbooks and other training resources

  4. Pray for TEE and MSP instructors to have God's wisdom to teach, lead, and inspire students for ministries

  5. Pray for TEE and MSP students to have God's wisdom to learn, to stay focused and committed, and to be inspired for God's works


Kx. Xeev Tuam Thoj, NextGen Director

  1. Pray for our SALT and LIGHT Conferences in Cairns, Australia and Chiang Mai, Thailand this December for God to lead the way and transform lives

  2. Pray for the safe travels of all attendees, volunteers, and staff as we travel around the world for these events.

  3. Pray for our planning for HLUB 2025. It's going to be a big year as we also celebrate 75 years since the gospel came to the Hmong in Laos.

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Xh. Zam Nkaub Tsab, Multimedia Director

  1. Pray that people who cross paths with us in the digital realm will be touched by God

  2. Pray that we'll use all available technological tools to help us enhance our ministries and stay connected with our church members and Hmong Christian around the world.

  3. Pray that we can make the gospel more accessible to people around the world through media and technology

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Kx. Tswv Tub Vwj, Hmong Study Bible Translator

  1. Pray for the continuous translation of the Hmong Study Bible. A lot of progress are made but much evaluation and correction need to be made for both the Blue and White Hmong version. Pray for the committee to have God's wisdom and discernment to complete his will.


Maiv Hawj, Financial Officer

  1. Pray for wisdom and maturity for me to serve Him well and bring glory to His Name. Thov Vaajtswv pub laajlim tswvyim rua kuv, kuas kuv ua tau kuv lub neej hab teg num kws Vaajtswv pub rua kuv ua, rua Vaajtswv tau ntsejmuag hab kuas tuabneeg txaussab rua teg num ntawm.

  2. Pray for me to be able to speak and express myself clearly so my message will get to people. Thov Vaajtswv pum laajlim tswvyim rua kuv kuas kuv has tau lug meej, has kuas tau lub ntsab rua tuabneeg totaub zoo.  Tsi has thaum kuv has txuj Vaajtswv, lossis thaum has kaab-kev khaws nyaj-txag, lossis qha txug tej nyaj-txag kws Vaajtswv tau pub rua peb Hauvpaug Koomhum Moob.

  3. Pray for God’s blessing on me and my works and guides my path to impact more people and that His Spirit will be with me always to accomplish more for Him.  Thov Vaajtswv foom koobmoov rua kuv, rua teg num kws Vaajtswv tau pub rua kuv ua, thov Vaajtswv nyob nrugnraim kuv txhua lub sijhawm, hab qheb kev rua kuv, pub cuabkaav peevxwm rua kuv kuas ua tau Vaajtwv teg num ntau dlua le yaav taaglug hab pub Vaaj Ntsujplig tug dlawbhuv coj kuv kuas ua tau txhua yaam zoo rua Vaajtswv tau ntseejmuag.


Kl. Ntxoov Yaaj Vaaj, Administrative Assistant

  1. Pray for a spirit of humility to serve God's people from the district office to our local church members.

  2. Pray for patience and love to deal with our customers.

  3. Pray for good health and strength.


OTS President

  1. Pray for a new faithful and people loving OTS president to lead the organization to touch lives and transform people for Christ


N. Txooj Xyoob Hawj, Secretary to DS, & Administrator

  1. Pray for strength and concentration for the tasks at hand. 

  2. Pray for a rejuvenating spirit to learn and advance as an administrator and be able to assist the DS and directors for their ministries. 

  3. Pray for good health and family.

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Ger Vang, Multimedia Specialist

  1. Pray for a focus mind to complete the task called upon as there are lots of things to be done.

  2. Pray for good health and traveling.

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Advancing Christ Worldwide

Reach In, Reach Out, Reach Over, Reach Up

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            12287 Pennsylvania Street
             Thornton, CO 80241


             Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

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