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theological education by extension (TEE)
TEE program is designed specifically for those who wish to growth their faith and to serve the church. The program is meant to be taught in a group setting where students meet together with a qualified instructor or the senior pastor of the church. The book series are not meant to be purchased and learn by an person alone at home. Please consult your senior pastor or call Hmong District prior to making any purchase of the TEE books.
Qhov TEE Program nuav yog tsim muaj lug paab hab npaaj rua cov kws xaav luj hlub rua ntawv txuj kev ntseeg hab xav ua Vaajtswv teg dlejnum huv pawgntseeg. Qhov program nua yog npaaj coj lug rau cov tub kawm hab ntxhais kawm tuaj nyob uake kawm nrug tus nws muaj cai qha tau lossis tus Xibfwb ntawm pawgntseeg. Cov ntawv nuav tsis yog muaj coj lug rua suavdlawg yuav es nyag kawm nyag tug kheej ibleeg nyob huv tsev. Thov nrug mej tug Xibfwb tham lossis hu rua Hauvpaug Koomhum Moob tham ua ntej mej yuav cov ntawv kawm TEE nuav.
As a follower of Jesus Christ we ought to learn about Him. TEE classes are a good start to learn about the Life of Jesus Christ and His ministries.
Peb yog ib tug uas raws Yexus Khetos qab tsim nyog peb yuav tau kawm txog Nws. TEE yog ib qeb pib zoo los kawm txog Yexus Khetos Lub Neej thiab tes haujlwm Nws tau ua.

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